Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Disgraced Surgeon - A One Off or A Silent Epidemic?

Would you Trust this Surgeon?

Many women did.

In fact over 5,249 women did.

This is Dr Ian Patterson who was jailed for 16 years last week after carrying out needless breast surgery operations to fulfil his 'God Complex'. 

The headlines of newspapers and newscasters across the UK were awash with his story 
and how he is now branded a butcher and a monster by his victims.

So you might be asking yourself, "So what has this to do with me and my Endometriosis?"

Well, Ian Patterson was said to be a charismatic, charming, kind and encouraging man to his patients at the start.  

But he operated on them for selfish motives and for money.

It is said he 'preyed on women's long term fears' and then 'carried out extensive life changing operations with no medical justifiable reason'.

How many other surgeons do the same but just haven't been caught yet?

My last Endometriosis surgeon, who carried out my 6th and final operation, was just like him.

He may not have uttered the words "this operation will cure you" but he arrogantly intimated that he had the power to remove all my Endometriosis with his scalpel, and somehow all would be well again.

I barely knew him but I put my life and my body in his hands.

Yet when I tried to explore any alternative routes with him he mocked and ridiculed me - and then promoted a hysterectomy operation if this surgery did not work.

I was one of the lucky ones for I knew that a hysterectomy did not work for Endometriosis.  

My Mother had a hysterectomy, yet her Endometriosis returned within a few weeks and flared up for years afterwards. 

Nonetheless my surgeon mocked all the women that came into see him with their "nutritional books in their hands".  

And that always bothered me...

Here was this man in a HUGE position of power and influence encouraging the quick decision of surgery and/or removal of organs and body parts.

Although when I questioned this surgeon about the male equivalent sex organs being removed, he grimaced!  

We all know that if the situation was reversed these operations would NEVER be an option for men.

Yet here he was suggesting it to me.

After I refused a hysterectomy he suggested a cystectomy and general 'clean out'. 

I was so scared and sought some form of security of what he was doing that I asked him to take a video of the surgery - and it was the best thing I ever did.

Suddenly I developed a compassion for my insides and what was going on when I viewed that video.

I was under the illusion that all would be well afterwards.

Illusion indeed; for I got progressively worse.

Of course that was then - this is now.

Little did I know back then that surgery did NOTHING to address the underlying causes of Endometriosis.

Surgery only tried to 'manage' the symptoms. 

However for me this surgery caused further complications and a new condition to emerge after my 6th and final operation.  


Then the Surgeon got even more excited and encouraged the hysterectomy with more vigour.

I was under a lot of pressure from family and friends then but those who have read my book Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers Drugs or Surgery know that I retrained from my bed and learned that my uterus was an essential organ required for full female health.

But this story of Dr Ian Patterson got me thinking.

Okay this story was to do with breast cancer and not Endometriosis but I regularly hear about similar pressure or charm used on women with Endometriosis. Women who are frightened, desperate and, like I was, all too trusting of a stranger in a white coat to ask important questions about side effects and success rates.

I recently tried to interview a gynaecological surgeon in USA about WHY he was encouraging all women with Endometriosis to have a
 hysterectomy. He never returned my calls...

After my success of finding a natural way out (I have been symptom and pain free for over 3 years now), I made a vow that I would share my success with women so they knew they had a choice.

If you have worked with me directly or in my Foundation or Advanced Programs you know that my principles and protocols have helped many women heal naturally now, and also enabled 3 beautiful baby girls to come into the world too.

But had these women listened to my gynaecological surgeon they would be without a child and a uterus and fated to a life of countless side effects and a deep sense of loss.

So as with anything today it is the QUESTIONS you ask that are all powerful.

Remember - you know your body better than any doctor, physician or surgeon - and never forget that - no matter how charming they are.

It took me 6 surgeries before it dawned on me that the 'definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results' .

I realised I had to think differently and ask other questions.

My body and the quality of my life depended on it.

So if you want to save yourself years of pain, developing order conditions and/or becoming bedridden with chronic debilitating pain (which is what happened to me for 2 years) then always be asking yourself;

"What is the underlying cause of the pain or inflammation of Endometriosois?"   
"Why, if the body is ALWAYS wanting to heal itself, is my body not healing?" 
"What can I do to take back control of my body - and Heal Endometriosis Naturally!"

Many of Ian Patterson's victims say now that they wished they had asked more questions but were too enamoured by this "charming devil that took them straight to hell".

But there are options and there is another way other than painkillers, drugs or surgery.

Help is always at hand at HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and know that healing naturally really is an option if you are prepared to educate yourself and take back control (- or read my story and step by step guide of what worked for me). 

I am living proof.

Many other women around the world are also seeing the positive effects of my 7 Steps principles and protocols on their Endometriosis too and you can check out some video testimonials here.

To your health!

Best wishes 



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