Thursday, 26 May 2022

#129 Susceptibility of Vulnerablility

Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the misconception of vulnerability in our modern day society.

She questions the concept of vulnerability when the world has become self-obsessed and women are not taught how to protect themselves emotionally from others.

Wendy discusses more up to date concepts of emotional and spiritual protection being put first ahead of opening yourself up to unsafe and toxic people unwittingly.

Start your own emotional empowering journey at and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips.






Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Friday, 20 May 2022

#128 - A Gift (& Watch Out for Wolves)

Today Wendy K Laidlaw the fully updated & revised 2nd Edition, the "Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook with 131 Recipes" is finally launched today on Amazon worldwide.

After months of passion, dedication, drive and pure LOVE being poured into this book, Wendy is so proud to celebrate the launch, with a hope of further helping women with endometriosis to avoid any overwhelm or confusion about what to eat.

Sharing clean, tasty and healthy eating habits and recipes this paperback version of this book will be at 50% RRP on Amazon worldwide, for 24 hours, so make sure to grab your copy (whilst stocks last).

Click on these links below to order;

UK & Europe


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Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

#127 Drink Your Food

Do you ever find yourself struggling to know what to eat and feel overwhelmed why the abundance of do’s and don’ts online for endometriosis?

Our relationship with food may be a challenge on its own depending on any past associations growing up around the meal table.  So when you have a number of factors or fighting forces you may then end up grabbing the chocolate bar or bag of crisps to deal with the overwhelm.

Wendy discusses a unique way to ensure you can easily ingest and digest good healthy food in a fun way and how easy and cost effective it can be, with the added bonus of feeding your body what it needs so it can start to heal.

Wendy also talks about the release of her fully updated and revised Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook which is published this Friday 20th May exclusively on Amazon at 50% off the paperback for 24 hours.

Learn more at


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Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

#126 The Power of Protein

In this episode Wendy talks about the power of proteins and their essential role in helping the body heal.

Protein is a food, produce and substance of confusion, contention and which is regularly misunderstood, especially when discussing endometriosis.

Wendy discusses when she was in her teens, twenties, thirties and forties the concept of food fazed her. She always struggled with knowing what to eat, and whatever she ate, being able to digest it. Now in hindsight she is aware of the impact the nervous system has on digestion and how it needs to be a 'rest and relaxed' state to begin the digestive process of breaking down the food we eat.

Wendy always found food a faff and feared or fawned away from solid food preferring supplements as she grew up. But then realised her diet consisted of poor nutritional items like black coffee and a sugar laden fruit scone often ladled with copious amounts of butter and jam. Lunch would be a wheat bread sandwich with a small filling and supper some kind of pasta dish or pizza. It really is no wonder her body became ill. Yet she knew little about how to eat healthily.  When she first heard the mention of eating protein more regularly was confused on how best to eat it. She found that protein wakes up her brain (especially when it is in a Power Shake) and makes her ready for the day. Are you ready to embrace the power of Protein in a new and empowering way to help support your body into a healing state?

Make sure to mark your calendar as *NEXT Friday 20th May* is when the "2nd Edition Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook" will be available on Amazon for 50% off for 24 hours and will show you the easy and fun way to incorporate more (powerful) protein into your life. 

HealEndometriosisNaturally on Amazon Music. #HealEndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #HealEndometriosisNaturally #Adenomyosis #EndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic @AmazonMusicUK

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

#126 The Power of Protein

In this episode Wendy talks about the power of proteins and their essential role in helping the body heal.

Protein is a food, produce and substance of confusion, contention and which is regularly misunderstood, especially when discussing endometriosis.

Wendy discusses when she was in her teens, twenties, thirties and forties the concept of food fazed her. She always struggled with knowing what to eat, and whatever she ate, being able to digest it. Now in hindsight she is aware of the impact the nervous system has on digestion and how it needs to be a 'rest and relaxed' state to begin the digestive process of breaking down the food we eat.

Wendy always found food a faff and feared or fawned away from solid food preferring supplements as she grew up. But then realised her diet consisted of poor nutritional items like black coffee and a sugar laden fruit scone often ladled with copious amounts of butter and jam. Lunch would be a wheat bread sandwich with a small filling and supper some kind of pasta dish or pizza. It really is no wonder her body became ill. Yet she knew little about how to eat healthily.  When she first heard the mention of eating protein more regularly was confused on how best to eat it. She found that protein wakes up her brain (especially when it is in a Power Shake) and makes her ready for the day. Are you ready to embrace the power of Protein in a new and empowering way to help support your body into a healing state?

Make sure to mark your calendar as *NEXT Friday 20th May* is when the "2nd Edition Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook" will be available on Amazon for 50% off for 24 hours and will show you the easy and fun way to incorporate more (powerful) protein into your life. 

HealEndometriosisNaturally on Amazon Music. #HealEndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #HealEndometriosisNaturally #Adenomyosis #EndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic @AmazonMusicUK

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

#125 More Than Just Nutrition

Wendy K Laidlaw shares how to overcome any despair some women may experience when they have changed their produce, diet and eating habits, yet may not be getting the results physically that they seek.

Whilst there may be some very good reasons for this lack of progress at times, it is important not to give up on the endometriosis naturally journey.

Healing endometriosis naturally is, of course, based on much more than just nutrition (think The 5 P's) but to ensure you are not being 'fed' misinformation make sure to mark your calendar for when the fully revised and updated 2nd Edition Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook is released on Amazon globally on Friday 20th May 2022.

#endometriosisawareness #endoboss #theendolifestyle #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endoeducation #endosupport #endofacts #endometriosisnaturally #endometriosisnaturallycookbook #cookbook #adenomyosis #healendometriosisnaturally #wendyklaidlaw #HealEndometriosisNaturallyPodcast #healendometriosisnaturallycookbook

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

#163 Breaching Castle Walls

On this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the emotional and environmental factors affecting women with endometriosis, emphasisin...