Wednesday, 29 September 2021

#111 Meet Louise - ANOTHER SUCCESS Story - EndoBoss® Style

Meet the lovely Louise from UK who for over 20 years suffered from endometriosis.

As an owner of her own hairdressing salon and a top hairstylist, she worked tirelessly on her feet every day enduring a myriad of physical symptoms. 

Then her husband ordered Louise my book ‘How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally’ and then she joined the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge to learn more about emotions and essential self-care and became our first placed Winner.

Her dedication and commitment paid off as she was offered a coveted place in the EndoBoss® Academy.

In the beginning, she had Bleeding 6-9 Days, Flooding, Blood Clots, Ovulation Pain (Day 14 +), Migraines, Lower Back Pain, Ovary Pain, Bladder Pressure, Pain on Urination, Night Sweats, Hot Flashes, Memory Problems, Poor Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Weepiness, Depression, Lethargy, Bloating, Distended Stomach, Candida, Restless Itchy Legs, Chemical Sensitivities, OvarianCysts, Chocolate Cysts, Dragging Sensation Down Legs - To name just a few of the many symptoms

Now after 6 months of being a part of the EndoBoss® Academy with increased awareness, information, education and empowerment Louise says:

“I am calmer, my sleep patterns are better, I have more energy, I rarely have a headache, I am in almost no pain between periods, my skin is clear and bright, I have a more positive outlook on life, I have names for my different parts, my eating patterns are healthier, greener, more regular, I am able to observe the changes in my body with less anxiety, i have more confidence in my abilities and who I am."

"There have been dramatic changes in my periods and the flooding has definitely reduced even on the heavy periods. I have been able to have a full nights sleep during my period which is a miracle as I have usually been up every hour to change the sanitary pads with fear of bleeding through on the bed."

"I have only had x2 paracetamol in 7 months where I was using it every month prior to joining the programme".

Louise is now a BOSS of her body and an Alumni member of the exclusive EndoBoss® Tribe.

To start your own journey learn more at 

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

#110 - Search For The Sacred Self (with Q&A)

This week Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the search for the sacred self that lies within everyone.  

Women with endometriosis invariably have given out of themselves to the extent they have no connection to their sacred selves.

When you discover your sacred self, you awaken this hidden and dormant inner energy, and life force and let that guide your life. The word most commonly used to describe this inner force is "spiritual" or enlightenment.

Maybe you are already powerful but seeking your power from the wrong place and there’s a new intelligent way to decode your endometriosis experience. 

Hear some recent Q&A's at the end.

Download your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at


#HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #EndoBoss

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Thursday, 16 September 2021

#109 - Troy McTeer - Emotional Prowess with The Anomaly Architect

Listen to the wisdom of Troy McTeer from South Africa, who is one of the world’s leading experts in the mastery of the mind. 

Using a unique personalised approach, he guides ultra high performing professionals and leaders around the globe, on how to embrace their uniqueness and claim their sovereignty of thought in their field.

Many of the worlds' leading change-makers, throughout history, were once classed as an ‘anomaly'. Anomaly meaning these people felt outcasts, did not conform to societal rules nor think in the way others in the mainstream do.

Troy is the mindset master and architect in guiding men and women ‘anomalies’ to design the life they were meant to fulfil. He helps to uncover their mental prowess to step away from the suffocation of conformity, and break free from the chains society has put upon them. 

To learn more about Troy visit and to get in contact with him, email


#TroyMcTeer #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #EndoBoss

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Thursday, 9 September 2021

#108 Make Younger You Proud

Would your younger self be proud of who you are today? 

Upon stumbling across an old photograph of herself aged 15 years old, Wendy recalls the old subconscious conditioning that surrounded the time when endometriosis first showed up.

However, she has since realised the deeper meaning and messages behind the 'dis-ease' that appeared in her body when she was powerless to change.

Now Wendy has uncovered the deeper elements behind what prevented her healing in the past but also the secrets to putting the condition into remission once and for all.

Read the full article on at

Register for the 21 Day Challenge that starts on Monday 13th September at

Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

#163 Breaching Castle Walls

On this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the emotional and environmental factors affecting women with endometriosis, emphasisin...