Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Dr Anh Interview - Heal Endometriosis Naturally & Wendy K Laidlaw

Listen to Wendy K Laidlaw interviewing Dr Anh who is a registered pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner who shares her own success with healing thyroid issues naturally - and now helps other women achieve the same results.  

Dr Anh also hosts the popular Podcast 'Food is Medicine' With Dr Anh.

To learn more about healing your Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and Cysts naturally go to Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyBook.com to order your FREE paperback book worth £14.99 (just pay shipping).

To work with Wendy apply at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com.


Listen to Dr Anh interview transcript here; https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/healendo/Podcast+Intro+%26+Outro/Podcast+Transcripts/Dr+Anh+Podcast+Transcript+3_PDF.pdf


Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Joanna - Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

Listen to Wendy talk with Joanna from USA about her successful journey on Heal Endometriosis Naturally, 12 Week Online Foundation Membership Program with Wendy K Laidlaw.
Discover more about how this may help you and download your FREE Top 5 Jump Start Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
Get FREE Paperback book worth £14.99 (just pay shipping £7.95) at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyBook.com
Apply to work with Wendy at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Read the full transcript below:-
"Wendy: Hi, this is Wendy Laidlaw here from Heal Endometriosis Naturally. I am joined today with Joanna, which is very exciting. Hi, Joanna.

Joanna: Hi, Wendy.

Wendy: How are you today?

Joanna: I am doing really well.

Wendy: Well, thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed with me today. I know everyone that first comes on to be interviewed -- it's a bit nerve-wracking. It's kind of like "What questions is she going to ask me?" but I was particularly excited about interviewing you today because you're coming to the end of the foundation program. You've had stage four Endometriosis. You've had cysts. You've had adhesions. You've had everything. And I think people will really be interested in your stories so I thought maybe you could just give a little bit of background. I know you've read my book and that lead you to the foundation program, but perhaps you could tell a little bit more about where did you see information about the book, what you got from the book and then we can get more information from you then.

Joanna: Okay. So I didn't know that I had Endometriosis and about last year I started getting a lot of pain. I've always had painful periods. My periods started when I was 13 and I had to leave school the day it started. I was in so much pain and it's been like that forever. It's always been taking time off work and leaving a college class in the middle of a session because your pain was so intense and crying all the way home because your legs were going numb. And I always thought that was normal. I had no reason to question that that was not normal to feel like that during a period, more so because my sister was like that, my cousins were like that. It ran in the family. I don't tend to talk about other girls about how do you feel when you have your period, so I based it on the people around me and just went on with life and it actually started getting worse as I got older but more so last year. The week before my period my insides would start to feel like they were on fire and very sore like somebody kicked me or punched me in the gut. Then I would get my period and it would last 8 days and be horrifically heavy and you'd be so sick and then the whole week after, up to two weeks after sometimes, I would be, again, with this super sore gut. And that was completely new, as a whole new phase for me and I would get maybe four good days and then the next period would start. So it became pretty cumbersome to deal with that. It started affecting work and life because I would go to work and I'd start to get this sore feeling and it would always start near my ovaries but I always thought it was my appendix. That was "Something's wrong, it's got to be my appendix," because, like I said, I never thought it would be my reproductive system acting up.

Joanna: So I work in the school district. I work with kids so I'm always on my feet, very active. I'm a very energetic person so I like to participate with the kids and last year, May, I started with this extra pain and I couldn't function with the kids. I would miss about three days a week from work. That would be going in and begging the principal, "Can I please go home? I can't even carry my own weight right now. I'm in pain." So eventually I had to make the call and put my notice in because I wasn't reliable anymore in my job and started doing test after test, seeing doctor after doctor, and every test was coming back "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Your imaging looks perfect. The ultrasound, the CRT scans, X-rays, everything is great." And I was doing two CT scans a month. You'd do it, you'd go home, the pain would intensify, you end up back at the urgent care and another CT scan. Eventually they started calling me an enigma saying, "There's nothing wrong, it's all in your head. Yeah, you're saying there's this pain but we're not seeing what you're saying." So that went up from early June last year until September I had the gynaecologist finally say, "Well, I don't even think it's gynaecological. I'm gonna send you to a GI. I think it's in your gut." And the reason was I was experiencing a ton of gut pain every time I had my period. That bruising was all in my gut.

Joanna: So of course I went and the GI wants to do a colonoscopy. So, okay. I prepped for that, which is, by the way, horrible. I mean, you're already not feeling well and then they put you through this 10 day prep regiment and you go through the procedure. And that came back nothing's wrong, because internally they couldn't see anything wrong. I ended up having a very close friend of mine through church that had just gone through a hysterectomy. When she was able to come back to church everyone was kind of hearing that something's wrong with Joanna. "She's not well," "We're praying for her," but she didn't quite know what was going on, so she sat down with me and she said, "Do you mind telling me what are your symptoms? What are you really feeling?" So I started telling her about the pain, that my legs would go numb, my back would hurt, my intestines were always sore, and the ovaries and the period were horrible, and her first reaction was, "Have you ever asked about Endometriosis?" Because that's what she had. She had stage four and unfortunately did not know about things like this. She's one of the ones that ended up getting a hysterectomy from it all. But I had never thought about it.

Joanna: I grew up in Canada and would go to the doctor and tell them about the period and Endometriosis never came up. It was never a word we would hear about, so I never had reason to think about it. So I said I would go to the gynaecologist again and asked to see if you could check for Endometriosis. And apparently there's no test. You have to get a surgery. Well, I had to go to three different doctors to convince them to do a surgery. It's not like everybody goes in asking, "Can you cut me open? I want you to see what's going on." And finally I kind of have to lie. It wasn't a full lie but I had to then think back about my family history and say "I don't know if it's Endometriosis but my grandmother had severe pain and my mom had this and my sister had this. And fibroids run in the family." And as soon as that came up, then he goes, "Okay, I don't think it's what you have but I'm willing to go in." So I had a [?] [00:07:46] booked a month after the colonoscopy for endometriosis diagnostic. And that was in November of 2016. And when he went in I remember coming out of the anaesthesia. You know they say you're not going to remember what we tell you. I remember everything he told me. He came and he sat down and he goes, "Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you were right, we found Endometriosis. The bad news is by the time we've done the surgery it's so far gone that there is nothing we can do about it." He said, "I was able to burn off a bit on your ovaries but it's all over your intestines and we can't burn your intestines." Which I'm glad they didn't try to cut my intestines.

Wendy: I'm glad, too. Yes.

Joanna: I just remember crying. It was so overwhelming to hear that you have this. Sorry, I'm going to cry now. It's really overwhelming to hear that you have a disease that they could have done something about but they refuse to help you. That's kind of what the medical system is. But yeah, so I had these pictures and I just remember going home and staring at these pictures of my gut, black, covered with these black blood things. I can't even describe it. It looks like you're invaded with something. It wasn't just a little bit, so of course it's overwhelming. And to know coming out of it that you have to live with this pain now. That's their theory. So I didn't take very well to the surgery and I don't do well on the drugs so I was very sick from that and two weeks later he had me come back in to go over things in more detail. The first thing he wanted to push was Lupron. I have a friend who has breast cancer and she was on Lupron. I told them, "This is what you give cancer patients." He says, "Yes, it's a very strong drug, but in your case this is what you need to go on." And he started describing the side effects, and it was like if I take this you're telling me the pain might get better but I'm going to have all these other symptoms that sound terrible.
I mean, it was you're going through menopause, you might throw up, you weight gain weight or lose. Just all these things, and I got scared, and I think it was really good that I got scared or else I would have taken it. I've always just done what the doctors tell me because they're doctors and they're supposed to know better and they're supposed to be there to help us. So I had told him, and kind of just based back on my friend, she was taking a very natural route so I told him that day that I wanted to hold off on the Lupron if I could and seek alternative medicine. And the moment I said that he wrote me off. He literally said if that's what you’re going to do I can't work with you anymore. That those are not doctors. They have no medical educations like we do. We do not consider them to be actual doctors. So I said okay. There was nothing I could do. I was actually shocked that that was his response. So basically, "If you don't want my drugs that's it." So I went home very upset and my husband sat down with me and said, "You know well. You want to do the alternative medicine." We hadn't found a natural path yet but I started doing research online and I just typed in "healing Endometriosis naturally" and lo and behold one of the first things that popped up was your book. And at the time I was too cheap to buy it. At the time we didn't have Kindle, so I said, "Ooh, if I get Kindle I can get a free 30 day trial and download the book."

Joanna: And I, despite having been a teacher and now being a substitute teacher, I really have to be interested in a book to sit there and read a whole book." And I started reading your book and I couldn't put it down. I literally read it in like a day. It was like I was reading my own story. Everything I had found online -- there was all this do this, do this, do this, but there was nobody that really made me feel like "This is what I went through, this is what I'm feeling, and this is what worked for me." And I was skeptical because I'd never believed in taking a natural route. I've really always been a Western medicine type of person, but the book really spoke to me and just opened my eyes to the possibility that, wow, if this is true I can fix things without having to go the medical route. So we started going through and I saw you had the cookbook, so I also downloaded that. I ended up buying both. I actually read your book three or four times because I'd always go back through and highlighting things and making note of what I could do. So I decided to try to follow the book to see if I could fix myself that way. I actually had not seen that you had the foundation program yet, so it was very hard. It was not easy to follow in the beginning because you're so used to eating what you want, eating how much you want to eat. I loved bread, I loved fast food. We went out and ate all the time. So for me to see no dairy, no soy, no sugar, it was like "WHAT?"

Joanna: Luckily I have a very loving husband who said, "Okay, if we're going to do it, I'll do it with you." So we started slow and the first thing we took out was the gluten, and it took about a month to finally get past that you're always feeling hungry and you're always wanting something fatty and sugary. But by the end of the month we were actually able to take away all four of those things, and within 8 weeks of starting, on my own, following what I was trying my best to on your book, I started getting a lot of relief. And the biggest thing that excited me was the [?] [00:15:03]. That was the first thing that kind of popped out to me. I did my own research on it and I said it seems like it's okay to take. So I started with 40,00 for like a week. And I believe I had emailed you. I did not expect you to email me back. You emailed back and you had told me you started with 40 and went up to 80, so I did that. I was reading in the book about how it can break the adhesions down. One of the things that had come out of the surgery in November was that we were infertile because Endometriosis had completely sealed my tubes shut and the surgeon had come in and said that if you ever want a chance at having kids, you would have to try IBF and even that would probably not be successful. Like, that's how bad your tubes are. That was really hard because what I failed to mention was that what initially put me into the doctor was we were starting to consider having children and I had this pain and they said before we look at fertility, we ought to check this pain out. And that's how it progressed towards what it is now.

Joanna: So it was very emotionally really hard. We're in our 30's now, and to hear that there's maybe no chance. Part of looking up the Serrapeptase, I came upon a lot of women saying that they had taken it and they had done a test. It's called an HSG test where they put a dye in and they check your tubes with this dye. It's like an ultrasound. Most of them, I was reading, they were saying, "My tubes are open." I was super skeptical and I said I'm going to try -- Wendy's book says 12 weeks on Serrapeptase and good things can happen. So twelve weeks later. I started January, the Serrapeptase, and then late February, early March -- I want to say it was the first week of March -- I made an appointment to do an HSG test. And here you have to go to reproductive clinic. It's a whole little process, but knowing my history the doctors there were pretty skeptical that what they're gonna see is maybe it's a little better but it's probably the same situation. So I was going with the same idea, and I remember doing the test which was, for me, actually pretty painful. I don't know why it hurt. Some women say it doesn't hurt, but other women it does. It feels like you have this burning liquid going up, because they take a balloon and expand your uterus. It's not a comfortable test to put yourself through, but it was worth it if it came back positive. The doctor was in there and I'm like clenching trying to get through it, and she stopped and she goes, "It looks perfectly fine. Your flow is so good." So the dye flows through the tube and she goes, "Everything is passing through. So your tubes are good." She goes, "There's a little bit of residue from scar damage, but it's not blocking anything.”

I just remember being so happy. That was one of the best news we'd received since all of this had happened. It was just really good to know that, wow, now we have a chance to have kids. This Endometriosis can be stopped and things can get better. So after that was when I had, somehow, online, I had just happened to be going through stuff online. Your book popped up again and below it said Foundation Program. And I don't know how I didn't notice it before and I clicked on it and realised I could work one on one with you. And at that point your book had helped me so much, I was really excited to be able to have the opportunity to work with you because I knew I could get more than from just the book. And so yeah, I started working with you -- I don't even remember if it was May or June.

Wendy: Beginning of June, I think it was.

Joanna: Okay. And I probably wouldn't have done it if things had continued to go well, but after the HSG, about a month after or so, at the end of April, I remember emailing you saying something's wrong. My pain is coming back and I'm not quite sure I'm following everything that I'm on, but it's like everything's reversing. I'm going backwards rather than forwards and I was seeing a natural path at the same time because I figured I've gone away from believing in doctors but now I'm listening to everything the natural path is telling me because how can natural stuff hurt? Unfortunately, the natural path -- So I had done a blood test that tested everything, all my vitamins, all my hormones, and it came back that my DHEA levels, which is a hormone that you produce naturally in your body, were low. So she decided to prescribe me DHEA, which I actually in the office asked her, "Does this have any side effects?" And her response was, "No. If you take too much your liver's just going to detox it and out it goes," and whatever. Actually, I was on DHEA way before that, in January. It was about four months I was taking it for, but the effects did not hit me until April. And it was you that mentioned after starting the program, when you looked at what the natural path had me on, you said, "Oh my goodness! You're on DHEA what?" and I had never -- even though I questioned what the medical doctors were trying to put me on, I never questioned the supplement.

Joanna: And in the beginning of June when we started you told me, "You need to stop right away." And I did not. So you said you need to look it up and when I looked it up I was shocked to find out that DHEA increases your estrogen levels immensely. It is considered a steroid so for men it basically takes estrogen and it converts to testosterone and they use it as a replacement for steroids. But for women it basically doubles up your estrogen level. And when you have Endometriosis you don't want to be doing that. And I had come across that article I shared with Wendy that there was experiments done on mice and it showed that they were on DHEA for 16 days. They were put on 16 milligrams, which is a lot for a mouse -- for 15 days I was on 10 to 20 milligrams a day for four months -- and they all had massive cysts in their ovaries. And that just hit me, and the reason I'm saying that is about mid june the pain got so bad that I ended up having to go to the ER and they found cysts on my ovaries. Again, I thought it was my appendix going, but no. I had a cyst on my right side. One had ruptured and one had not and it was causing immense pain. I couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything. Function. And I remember you telling me, "Even though you stopped the DHEA it's still gonna be in your system.

Joanna: So the fact of me seeing this research article and now here I am. I've been on this stuff. It's only been four months and I have cysts. I believe that it is what helped to cause that. The gynaecologist disagrees, of course. So that happened and then it went from "you have a cyst" to "you have a twisted ovary." And then it went from "you have a twisted ovary" to "it could be something else." "It could be your [Indiscernible] [00:24:09] Endometriosis. So we were back on the Endometriosis bandwagon again and again the emotions hit because I was doing so good. I was back to work, back to normal life. I would do my photography. Everything was good and then I got hit and life just went down. It was really hard. I don't think I've ever cried so much as I've cried in the last two months.

Joanna: So I ended up -- because the theory was the ovary was twisting, it was laparoscopic was the answer I guess, to untwist it in case the ovary was dying. So I did not want to do laparoscopic. I started doing the [Indiscernible] [00:25:00] massage for a bit ,and it would help but it wouldn't take all the pain away, and so I finally agreed to do the laparoscopic. Of course they go in -- and this was just recently, two and a half, three weeks ago on the 20th of July -- I went in for laparoscopic and I came out and the doctor said, "So there's no Endometriosis that we can see." She said there was one thing on your uterus and one thing on your bladder, and their tiny. They're like peas, tiny little things. And she goes, "There's nothing on your intestines at all." And it was mind blowing to hear that. What do you mean there's nothing? They said there's nothing that can be done. I've been doing this thing with Wendy but there's got to be something! She said, "No, there wasn't," and I think that was one of the best news that we had gotten.

Joanna: It’s still shocking to know that here you were told only a few months back in November that once it hit your guts like that, that's it, you've got to be on these heavy drugs and there's nothing we can do. The likelihood it can spread, get into your lungs -- they really scare you. And now to hear it's basically in remission state, it's going away, was just amazing to hear. So it really just proved -- and in a short while, January to July, everything cleared up. But I'll show you the pictures. I don't know if you'll be able to see them well. That was my ovary in November. Completely white, marbleized, and the black dots on it, the stuff he burnt off. I mean, even to see your ovaries scalded like that is not [Indiscernible] [00:27:13] to look at. And then it's really hard to tell, but that's part of my gut and it's really black. It looks like it's black and blue. And I have a couple of other pictures I couldn't find, but basically a lot of my gut looked like that, just purpley black growth.

Joanna: So when I went in and I got my new pictures -- so let me find it. This is in the exact same area. That's my ovary now. It's got a little bit of white, but it is not a marble. It's pink and fleshy and squishy like it should be. And my gut, the same area of my gut, is up here and it's completely normal. It was really amazing to see. I can't put it into words. It's just really exciting. i can't even find the one now. Oh, here we go. So this is not bad. It might look bad, but that was black before it looked white and the reason it's white is the Endometriosis left and it kind of left a little shadow of itself. So that is scarring but I know if we continue with the program that can all go away because obviously it's gone away on the other parts. So yeah, it's just been really good.

I still battle with the end result of adhesions. It's left behind a lot of adhesions but with the myio-fascial massage and all that, I know it can be fixed. And I'm still taking my serapeptase. So I'm on this road now to being so close to back to where it was, which is super exciting.

Wendy: Well, it's fantastic to hear your story and I'm so pleased that you're sharing this story because I know it's been an emotional rollercoaster for you, where you've been where doctors tell you there's only one route and it just feels quite hard to follow with the surgery and drugs and there's no way out. And then you take a way out and you speak to a natural path and you think you're doing the right thing and they don't understand them to be choices[?] [00:29:53] so they're giving you something that's feeding Endometriosis. Because not a lot -- natural paths promote, it's fantastic, but unless they understand Endometriosis and how expensive it is to [Indiscernible] [00:30:05] estrogens or any other traditional estrogens that you can blame it so quickly, and of course that's what happened with your insides, is they [Indiscernible] [00:30:13] but equally as well, I do remember you telling me when you went in that your cysts had gone as well.

Joanna: Yeah, they were. So basically my reproductive area looked really good. No cysts, my appendix looked great. My appendix in November was marbleized. It had been attacked at one point and he didn't remove it because he said he didn't see any growths, but it was all white as well. But she said my appendix looked, great, my ovaries looked good except for the two little things they found. They did burn them off or whatever they do. And the gut looked great, so yeah, it was good. She mentioned the adhesion. That she could see, which I kind of expected that that would be there, but that's a small part of everything else.

Wendy: Absolutely. And I know that you were reticent about going for the surgery, but you were in so much pain because the DHEA had inflamed your insides [Indiscernible] [00:31:18], which as we've found out is now partial bowel obstruction as part of the adhesions. You were always frightened and scared into having the surgery, weren't you, which you were reticent. You didn't really want to do. But we've joked about it afterward saying I'm so glad you did because I have had women say, "Have you got surgical proof that your program works?" and I'm going, "Well, normally the proof is the reduction and elimination of pain and symptoms." That's proof enough, women coming out of bed, having normal periods. And it's being normal, like a day and a half period or very light. No clots, not bloating no period pain. That whole shebang. And then as I say you've gone in and -- so how does that feel to kind of see those photographs?

Joanna: Yeah it's good. It's weird to be looking at a photograph like that, but  it was actually one of the prettiest pictures I've seen in awhile. It was really good, and I've actually even never seen my husband that excited since we got married. Because really the doctor didn't even talk to me first. She went to them because I was still coming out of anaesthesia and when he came to see me, my husband, he just had this big smile. I was crying partially because of that but also because we did find there was a little bit of a bowel obstruction because the adhesions had twisted my bowels a bit. But we are working on that. But he goes, "I know you're overwhelmed that there's still this pain in your side a little bit from the bowels, but this is so exciting." He was so happy to see that. And I think that's a big part of what this program has really helped, too, is it's really hard to deal with Endometriosis. It's not a disease that people consider a disease unless they have it. It's something that I have even battled to talk to women about because I've had a lot of women come to me and say, "I have Endometriosis and it's not that big of a deal. Why are you making it such a big deal? It does not hurt the way that you're saying."

Joanna:So I think even as women, the education is not there, to know that there are different stages and it really can debilitate a person. Because it completely knocked me -- I was bedridden for weeks. It really does affect you. So that was hard. You feel very alone, which what I really loved about the program is not only having you, but you do these conferences and we get to see these other women we're talking to face to face and it's just so nice. It's really refreshing to have that, but it's also given me the confidence to build a better relationship with my husband because now we understand what are we really dealing with. It's not just, "Oh, she's whining again. Her period. Okay, whatever." And for him to even notice things like, "Hey, you remember last year you were having eight day long periods and it's like three days now and you're fine?" After surgery I was scared because two weeks after I was getting my next period. I hadn't had one in between and I actually called the doctor and said, "I don't want to do this. I'm on this natural path, but I think I need you to give me some painkillers because when my period comes it's going to be bad." Because I had to stop all my supplements I was on because they had me on a lot of things. And my period came and it was fine. I mean, it hurt a little because I had surgery pain and stuff, but the cramping was an hour, maybe two hours -- gone. And the period was generally really good. It lasted three or four days and that was it. And I was expecting to be in excruciating pain, so it just goes to show it just changes you so much overall. So it's been so amazing. It's been a really amazing journey.

Wendy: Well now remember when you said that you were expecting your periods and the cause of all the drugs morphine and anaesthetics and stuff you really thought like, "Brace myself. I'm going to be in a big thunderbolt of pain." And that in itself is very interesting isn't it, because how does that differ from the periods you used to have before?

Joanna: Oh, they were excruciating. Like I said before, I remember even in high school having to call my dad to leave work and come and pick me up and you are using every ounce of your strength to walk out the door because you cannot feel your legs. And you're getting this wave of pain and it was intense. And it was always like that. And to go from --

Wendy: I remember your shock when you're like, "And my periods came and no pain and I think that's really wonderful. Full credit to you for following the program, following the suggestions and being consistent and persistent with it because even in spite of the surgeon frightening you into having this surgery, which I knew you didn't want to have, so much good has come from it, really, in your case because you've seen your insides. You have physical proof of your insides healing. Isn't it interesting even with everything that's going on, your periods have improved because you've got such great healing in there and you've been removing systematically the inflammatory factors and swapping them out with things that re soothing and healing so the body's healing naturally. How does it feel? Do you think that that doctor six months ago, who pretty much wrote you off -- if you could speak to him now --

Joanna: Well, I don't know. If he sees this. [laughter] No, but you almost want to go and wave the pictures in their face and say look, I did this all naturally. But you know what, I still feel like with how stubborn some of the medical system can be that they could still say, "That doesn't prove anything. It wasn't as bad as you think it was anyway."

Wendy: You're right, they would dismiss it, because I did the same when I got better. I went back to my doctor and back to my surgeon and said, "You need to share this with other women." And they dismissed me with the back of their hands. I think you'd got referred to as an enigma, and what I got referred to too. But I think when  you understand the body's always wanting to heal itself and if it's not healing there's something stopping it. And then you're looking for what's stopping my body from healing. And that, to me, was my first -- when I was lying in my bedroom for three years in a gross, dreadful state with all but giving up home of carrying on and I got a cut on my finger and I noticed it was healing. And then I started to think, if that's healing, why are my insides not better[?] [00:38:46]? And then understand, as you said earlier, it's an estrogen-dominant condition. It's a hormone imbalance, there's lots of inflammation, so if you systematically -- and of course, as you say, people do normally need support because you're in pain, you're struggling just to get through the day, and that's where the foundation program came about because people were emailing me saying, "I read your book. It's great. It's starting to help but I've hit a wall," or, "I need more help," or whatever. So what particular aspects do you like? Is there a lot of emotional support, would you say, in the foundation program that you felt had been beneficial?

Joanna: I think it's everything. I feel like you're a combination of a nutritionist, health coach, life coach. Yeah, it's really helped with my emotions to -- I mean, you pushed me to start meditation, which I hated doing and now I really appreciated it. The journaling was horrific, but now it really helped me to get my brain wrapped around things. It helps me to have a method of venting, because as a woman fighting a disease like this it can be overwhelming on those around you and you can get whiney and you can get complaining and sometimes you can need a break. And I saw that, that it was getting a lot for my husband and my family to handle, and having the journal kind of gives you that break too where you're not complaining out loud. It gave me an outlet to put my thoughts down and I was starting to even figure more stuff out about how I was feeling and my symptoms and connections between, "Hey," I wrote, "I had a really stressful day and my pain level was like a 9." And it kind of helps you become that investigator that you spoke about.

Joanna: And then on the other hand, just the nutrition side, I know that I can come to you and say, "This got recommended to me. What do you think about it?" and just having tht person to go back and forth with really makes a difference. You can do research online, but it does make a difference to have a person to speak to. So yeah, I loved it for all aspects of what it's done. The friendships it's created -- I feel like Susan, who's in the program right now, even though I've never met her, it's really enjoyable to be able to sit and talk with her every two weeks with her. So you kind of create a community.

Wendy: Yes. And as you said that's so important. You've said it a couple of times and I know I felt that you feel so alone in this disease. I think someone has cancer, everybody seems to understand what cancer is and there's a degree of sympathy that people get with that condition, whereas Endometriosis, I know you had people saying it's an enigma, you've got such a small cyst, why is it causing you so much pain -- you're always being pulled into questioning. You have ot fight to be believed. For people to come together who are going through that -- that's why I start these programs every couple of months with people coming together, starting at the same point and going through it together so you don't feel alone, you feel that you're all in this together and it makes you feel like you can do this. Especially on the bad days, especially on the weeks you're just like "I can't be bothered" and "I really want to give up," because it is a twelve week program and you need to keep going through the program to get through.

Joanna: And it's not easy. There's a lot in the book about you. Like, Wendy's telling me to keep doing this and I just want to stop.

Wendy: Of course. But that's where I come in. I see myself as your coach, your champion, running along beside you saying, "Come on, you can do this," because I know how hard it was because I've been there and that's why I've created the program with the different levels of support, to say you can do this. And I never said it was going to be easy but it's absolutely worth it to get the results.

Joanna: It is. As soon as you get that -- it could take four or five weeks, but it just takes a little change in your pain to realize something's changing, or to be able to come off painkillers. That's a huge thing, because they really don't make you feel great, and you don't realize that until you stop taking them. But yeah, I mean, I'd encourage any woman who, if you just even have periods that just don't feel right, to question it and get it looked at and question everything now. I learned after the natural path thing to even question the supplements and I even find every time I google a recipe or supplement or something, I always put Endometriosis at the end of my search to see does it clear up estrogen. What does it do? Is it a phyto-estrogen? Is it a xeno-estrogen?

Wendy: And do you find now because you've got the education, education webinars through the program on the membership site, do you find that you feel more confident now with what's going in your body and you understand it's effect?

Joanna: I definitely do. I actually feel like I go in with more knowledge when I go in to see -- so I'm seeing a new natural path now and everything she suggests I say we need to look up how that affects estrogen. She says, "Why?" Because I have an estrogen-dominant illness and I know there are a lot of things that we might not think -- for example, turmeric. They say take turmeric and turmeric is a phyto-oestrogen. So just little things that we eat or put in our bodies. So it's actually been kind of fun to go in and say, "Hey, I actually know this about my disease. This is the type of blood work I need you to test." I didn't mention that the reason she did the DHEA is my bloodwork did not come out that I had extremely high estrogen. She did not look at all of the different parts, I guess, which is what we get from your program and there's no actual estrogen. There's three actual components that make it up and if we had done that then we would have seen. So later down the road, the next blood work, yes, it showed it, but initially it didn't which was why the DHEA was prescribed because "you don't have an estrogen problem."

Wendy: Well, that said I think, again, medical profession are trained in a certain way. They're not trained in nutrition. Natural paths don't understand, again, the hormonal perimetar of women with Endometriosis and don't tend to -- what the program does is look at the whole of you, not a one result or a one symptom. It looks at all of the different aspects together and then forms a picture, and that's where, when you and I are working together, we're working together as detectives, Sherlock Holmes going, "Right, let's look at this a bit closer," because there's always a reason why you're getting a symptom or something while you're going through the program. And I think what I've really noticed with you since the beginning of the program is your confidence. Perhaps you could share with people how you felt about coming on just 10 weeks ago?

Joanna: I mean, I did not want to show my face. I think we were doing a conference call or something. Yes, I work with children. I can be super outgoing with kids, but when it comes to something like this -- I mean, I'm still nervous right now. Don't get me wrong. You're exposing yourself. You are. And I know this is going to be public, so you're vulnerable, but I feel more happy to share it because you do get that confidence and the excitement gives you that confidence and the knowledge gives it to you. So I want to help other women because, like, I said, I thought I was doing great and it literally hit me. I went one day fine and the next day suddenly --

Wendy: But you were really unlucky because you were doing great and it was just an unfortunate thing that your natural path didn't understand Endometriosis.

Joanna: Yeah, but this is even before your book. So last year, it went from super active to Endometriosis hit me hard. That can happen to anybody and you don't realize it. I think it's important as soon as you start feeling symptoms you really start to look into it and what is causing it, what's going on. It's worth the effort on your part as a person to look out for yourself.

Wendy: And what would you say to women who are considering the foundation program now?

Joanna: I would definitely recommend it. It is worth it. It's worth, if anything, having that support network. I mean, I know you have the advanced program, so I know there's a possibility you're not going to be 100% fixed at the end of the 12 weeks, but what it did for me -- I think we're on week 11 now. We're almost done -- what it did for me, it gave me the tools that I didn't now to have. I wouldn't have even thought to take -- I had never heard of Serapeptase. I had never heard of the protein powders and never considered them.

Wendy: I think that's it I think that's what my aim was with the programs, everything in the book. But the program was to give you a toolbag. A toolbag can be the support network, give you multi-learning at different levels. You have the webinars, audios, handouts, downloads, Facebook group, group Q&A calls every fortnight, the one on ones with me. So there was that level of support, because normally people stop off really well with great enthusiasm and they hit a wall or life gets in the way and that's where they need that additional support.

Joanna: Yeah, and I think that's kind of hitting the nail on the head. If I have to encourage anyone with the program, it would be you will have moments where you hit a wall and you will feel like it's not working or you're going backwards. It's almost that saying of it's going to get worse before it gets better, and you do go through that within the first couple weeks.

Wendy: I'd like to call that being tested. You're being tested as if to say "do you really want to get well?" because this program works if you work it.

Joanna: Yeah, and you have to push through.

Wendy: But sometimes that's where the support comes in and it's normally six to eight weeks before people start to see the benefits, but it's that combination of factors with one had coming down through the layers of the onion and looking for the core of the information, and on the other hand putting great seeds in to get great roots of nutrition and amino acids and vitamins and minerals. So you're feeding your body with everything it needs to heal itself whilst removing and swapping out what's causing the symptoms.

Joanna: And you feel better. Like, food wise, I told you I love food. I love fast food. I love everything, but now we eat so much better and we call it fancy food because you're having really good quality things that you would go to a restaurant and pay $50 or whatever a plate for and it's by no means that much when you make it at home. But you do start eating really well and it can be really fun. It is a really fun journey once you can get past -- stop focusing on your pain and your Endometriosis and start focusing on you getting better.

Wendy: Absolutely. I think you told me a funny story about your husband as well. It was a bit funny about the food to start with and then he went out and had some horrible food and then came back and --

Joanna: Yeah. We had been going gluten free and dairy free. I'd cook him his huge meal and 20 minutes later he'd be starving. That's something we learned. Our body is just taking in everything, so for the first little while like 20 minutes in you're like, "Man, I just had dinner and I'm hungry again." But he hated that feeling and he goes, "I need my sugar. I need my gluten. That's what made me feel good!" I said "Okay, there's nothing physically wrong with you. You can go back on sugar and gluten. I don't care. Thank you for being there for me, but I'm good now. You can go back." He went out for a burger or something and he goes, "Ugh, I feel terrible. I'm never eating gluten again!" So he's actually away on a work trip and he's eating all gluten free, dairy free, soy free, because he says he feels so much better. And he's not the one that has an illness. So I think it's good for everybody.

Wendy: Well that's it. I think the program does have rippling effects. I know families and partners get involved as well to help support the necessary lifestyle change that needs to be made. It has rippling effects out to everybody, which is fantastic.

Joanna: Yeah, and I think when it comes to doctors, the hard thing is you have the foundation but you still have the doctor on the side. And I wouldn't say get rid of your doctor, but I think it's important -- like, what I had to do is I had to really search out a doctor that would listen, and I am blessed now that I am working with the surgeon that did this recent surgery. She's so supportive of me taking the natural route and she knows that my goal is to be as natural as possible. So yes, she would love me to take the medical medications if I agreed to, but she's okay. She goes, "I want you to try everything for you that you feel will work for you and I'll be here if -- " let's say, Wendy's program never worked, then they're there but it works. I can't say it doesn't work. So you need to seek out people that will hear you.

Wendy: And I think that's what the aim of the program is, too, to widen your community of support on the other side as well and make sure that you have your voice, know that it's okay to say know, know that it's okay to ask questions because, again, our culture encourages people to be a good girl and a yes girl and kind of "Yes, Doctor. Whatever, Doctor." Too frightened to question and ask. And obviously when you're making that transition away from the conventional medical field and looking at natural routes, it can be a bit daunting, be a bit scary. Kind of take that responsibility. But that's where, again, I encourage women and if they are having to interact with their doctors in any capacity, even if it's just from a reassurance perspective to go "You're still there in the sidelines, aren’t you? Right. I'm going to teach you what is working for my body." And it's wonderful when you get doctors and surgeons -- I had a doctor who started using the same protocols and principals with people in his surgery, in his clinic, and he was emailing me going, "Wendy, this works!" and I'm going, "I know. I've been telling you this for months." It's wonderful when they start to listen, and if they're a good doctor or surgeon they'll be excited for you because the whole ethos of a doctor is to do no harm. That's their motto. Clearly their aim is to heal you, to help you to get better, not to make you worse, so if you are getting better I would hope a good surgeon or doctor who's supportive of your choice to take this route is happy that you're getting better, because surely that's the aim, not to keep you pumped full of drugs and painkillers.

Joanna: Yeah, and you will find the ones that are like that, but there are good ones out there and you just have to be willing to let go of the one you have and search out. And you can. I'm sure everywhere there is someone that you can find.

Wendy: But ultimately it's all about not having that requirement with a surgeon or doctor.

Joanna: Yeah, exactly.

Wendy: It's all about you knowing your body better than anybody. I don't care what they're trained in or how many years they've been in the field. It does not interest me one jot because the women I work with, they know their bodies better than anybody else. They have lost that relationship with their body.

Joanna: Well, prior to my downturn in June, I didn't go to the doctor for the four months, and I was going a lot before that. So, yeah. And I think one of the biggest things that you've really helped me with is learning to say no to people. Not just doctors. To just people and things in my life, because I think I shared in the beginning of the program -- I love to help. No matter how I'm feeling, I'll say yes. We had a friend move and I was feeling terrible and I went and I helped them move and I remember you saying, "What's wrong with you? Why did you do that?" I couldn't say no. And it's taken me awhile to get there, but it's really important to listen to your body and know when to rest and to know when to tell people, "Hey, I'd love to be there but I just can't right now. I need to look after myself. I'm not doing well. When I'm better, yes, I'll be there." So that's been a really big help, because for women, if you have kids -- I don't have children, but for those who have children, you feel like there's a lot of demand on you.

Wendy: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think you've had an amazing journey so far. I've admired your commitment to yourself even from the beginning to implement the book, and again, just keeping moving forward, keeping being consistent and persistent, listening to your body -- you’ve had life throw obstacles in your path, but you've bounced back and you're living to tell the tale, which is fantastic.

Joanna: I feel thankful to you.

Wendy: Aw, well it's great working with people like yourself. You're really committed. Because the program doesn't work -- people poke it with a little stick and think it's a fad because it is a lifestyle thing. I refer to it as a new path. It is a pathway that once you're on you can't revert back to eating rubbish, you can't revert back to all the various stuff because then your symptoms will return, but you can see from the photographic evidence, which is so exciting, that if you do make the changes your body responds accordingly, and that's really exciting.

Joanna: Yeah, but even without photographic evidence, you were saying like with eating, I have cheated. I've had a bite of something that's got gluten and you feel it right away. Your body starts to talk to you and that's actually pretty neat in itself.

Wendy: Exactly. It's having that confidence of knowing what it's saying and what is happening, making those connections. Thank you so much for coming to chat with us today. I know that lots of women will take great hope and comfort from this and this is why I was so pleased that you were prepared to come and chat with me because I think people think, oh, well it worked for Wendy but it's not going to work for me, or it might have worked for the women on her testimonial page -- probably paid them to say that, which I didn't. Previous students as well. Just the very fact that you've had the HSG test, your cysts disappeared, your ovaries are better, your uterus is better, your intestines are better, and even your period. I mean, wow. In amongst all of that your period improved. I felt that was something people would want to hear because it's a lot of people, if they're maybe listening to this in their bed or bath going, "Oh, there's no hope," with all these drugs with terrible side effects I want to see that their is hope and here Joanna is living testament, as I am and other women, and I just want to thank you so much for taking the time out. It was a wonderful chat.

Joanna: You're welcome. Thank you for having me.

Wendy: No problem at all. Yeah, so thanks very much".

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Check out this episode from Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw!

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Susanne - Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

Listen to Wendy talk with Susanne from Sweden about her successful journey on Heal Endometriosis Naturally, 12 Week Online Foundation Membership Program with Wendy K Laidlaw.
Discover more about how this may help you and download your FREE Top 5 Jump Start Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Read full transcript below:
Wendy: Good afternoon. My name is Wendy K Laidlaw from Heal Endometriosis Naturally.com. I'd like to thank Susanne for being with me today. She's agreed to be interviewed about her experience with Heal Endometriosis Naturally book (Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery, and the online 12 Week Foundation Program. 
Welcome, Susanne.

Susanne: Thank you very much.

Wendy: Great to have you here. You look lovely and healthy today all the way in Sweden there. And so yes, thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed. It's always such a joy to have a chat with women who have obviously experienced the book and experiences of the program. And I just wonder -- this is where I can ask you some questions about your experience. So maybe you could just tell people a little bit about your background, just how you first heard about me, about the book and then a bit more about the 12-week foundation program.

Susanne: Okay. It's so much so -- it's difficult to know where to start, but my background is that 14 years ago I had the first flare of endometriosis and actually I was lucky enough to get diagnosed quite soon. I only had it for a couple of months before I got my diagnosis and that was through [stutters]

Wendy: Laparoscopy?

Susanne: That's right.

Susanne: Then they took away three cysts. That's what they could see and after that they wanted to put me on a medicine to get me into the menopause. And I did some reading about it and I was working with health, actually, some alternative therapies, and the side effects of the drug they wanted to give me -- I can't remember its name -- but it was horrible, I thought, and back then there was not so much information on the internet but there were a few, what do you call it -- not blogs but...losing the name. It was a group of people having endometriosis. They were connected and you could only see the bad things, how horrific everything was. When they got this medication they got better from the endometriosis but they got a horrific side effects so they couldn't go to work anyway. And I thought that's not my way. I'm not gonna do it that way and so I went to a couple of different alternative therapists and they led me into thinking about if it had something to do with my stomach. And I usually had a bloated stomach. 
I was sensitive for different kind of foods. I knew that, and when I asked the doctors to see if there was a connection between my intestines, the flora in my intestines with bacterias and the endometriosis. They said, "That costs too much money. We can't do that. You need to get me scientific studies that there is a connection before we can do that kind of research on you." And then I thought, well, I need to do this my own way, and through hair analysis I got to know that I had too much manganese in my body. It was actually 80 times as much as you're supposed to have and we found that I was from our water. There's a filter but it needed to be adjusted to get the manganese, so a nutritionist helped me with detoxing my body. I was practicing yoga to be able to stand the pain. And that actually helped me get well, so now after having got more and more knowledge about estrogen dominance and everything around, I think that it was not just the water that was the problem but the way I treated my body helped me out of the condition.

So I've had 13 very good years after that. I've had two kids. I did have three miscarriages in between the kids, but two healthy kids and I thought that endometriosis, although the doctor says that it's a chronic disease, I thought that that's not in my life anymore. I was so worried that my daughter might get it so I started to do some reading last autumn so that I could have more lot knowledge about it. And the scary part is that my endometriosis actually flared up again after not having felt those specific feelings of pain that endometriosis gives me. And so I thought well, I've been well once. I just need to do the same things again and I will get better again. But it didn't come back quickly and I was a bit stressed I thought what what is wrong and I didn't know what triggered the endometriosis this time. And so I was searching the internet and I found your page and your really nice offer to get the book for free so I sent for it. I started reading it and this time I was worrying that I might not get rid of the endometriosis if I don't go in and do a surgery to take away the cysts. But when I read about serrapeptase and your experience with that, I thought great, that gives me hope again.

And last time I went on a very strict diet. I didn't have any flour, not wheat, not any grains at all and this time when I read more about your experiences with wheat and gluten it was actually easier than last time. So I went back to a quite strict diet. And what else did I do? Well yes, I started to do some journaling just from reading your book. Not at all the three pages as you encouraged us to do now, but I started to write pain scores and what my activities were and what the outcome was and then I thought now it would be really nice to get a support, to get help to work it through, so that's why I entered the 12-week foundation program.

Wendy: Yes, that was fantastic that you reached out. So when you applied for the Foundation Program I think you said that you were just trying to pick up from where you'd left off the last time. You had tried to manage it through diet and serrapeptase. So what in particular, when you're saying you wanted support, what did you feel that you needed support in? Because obviously you've been very successful before. You felt something had changed this time and you weren't able to identify the trigger, what had caused it to flare up, but what in particular made you sort of reach out for support through the foundation program?

Susanne: Well, I knew that there was something that I missed, so I needed to have a detective to help me go through everything. I had -- when my new flare up--  it was in September 2017. And it was at worst in December, January, February. I was bedridden for eight days after my period and with pain scores from two to six so it wasn't as bad as 14 years ago. I was bedridden for two years - no, two weeks every month and the pain scores up to ten sometimes and that was such a depressing time. I had a really difficult time before I made it all turn. And I knew I don't want to go there this time. And when I started the program I was down at pain score from zero to two so I was quite good but I wasn't satisfied. I knew that life can be better. I do want to be able to plan what to do because that is so sad, not being able to plan anything, not being able to promise the kids to go there, to take them there, to be with them because you might need to stay on the sofa all day. 
So I thought, well, I need I need the support, a detective to know what is causing it this time. And I am really happy that I did join because during this time, during the 12 weeks, I was still making progress. In the beginning of the program it was more repetition what I had done before, and of course you have written it all in the book but you always get new things. You see things from a different perspective and it was very good and I felt better and stronger. But I think it was four weeks into the program and that my mother got very ill and we needed to go in and out to the emergency with her and it was very stressful and not being able to help her. She wasn't in a state that she she could take in what we are we were telling her. And that situation would probably have caused me to go backwards into the more difficult stage of the endometriosis because of all the stress and because you don't -- well, I shouldn't say you don't but I knew I know myself and if somebody needs my help I go there and help them and I skip the things that are important for me. For this stage I needed to to do certain things for myself and you helped me stay there to do the basic things and to actually coach me through this difficult time with my mother, and that's something that I never would have expected. I'm sorry. I get a bit emotional now.

It was so good having you, to talk to you, and to support me in the Program well, I needed to take some some more digestive enzymes in that period and that's something that I wouldn't have been thinking about myself so it was great and actually now my mother is much better and her situation has stabilised and I think that the most things about her illness and your Program and support has helped me. It was actually very good timing. It has helped me to get more in contact with my emotions and to get much deeper into the relationship with my old family.

Wendy: And I know that was very important to you because it was such a shame that you just started the (Foundation) Program and then this had happened. But equally, it was great that you were open to do the support, I keep I referring to it as the ‘oxygen mask’ scenario, where if you don't put on your own oxygen mask and don't look after yourself then you can't help other people. You then become very very ill. But a lot of women with Endometriosis are fantastic caregivers, very sensitive and perceptive, and aware of other people, and whilst that is a lovely quality, sometimes -- I know I was guilty of it too -- of doing it too excesses, where I had nothing left to give but I kept giving out to other people. 
And I think that certainly one aspect of the (Foundation) Program is remembering you have to look after yourself so you can help other people. And with your mother being so ill, and you're right, normally in these situations then you forget to eat and you forget to look after yourself and it's just remember to keep the basics. And full credit to you. You kept turning up on our calls and you kept turning to the group
calls and you you kept going. Because I do believe that life throws you obstacles in the way. 
Sometimes on this new journey when you're trying to heal yourself and it can be very, very frustrating. So what about the emotional element you talked about; developing your relationship with your emotions? And I know and I'll share this for people who are listening -- you found it quite difficult to cry before, didn't you? You were saying that to show your emotions in that way felt, felt challenging for you and now you feel a bit more comfortable with yourself, to show your emotions. So thank you for being so vulnerable on this interview with us. But maybe you want to share a bit more about your relationship with your emotions now?

Susanne: It's not easy to say words on it, but the journaling has helped me a lot to sort out my feelings and to structure my feelings and to to prioritize what to do next because in that situation where we were it's such a chaos. And nothing really works as usually. All the routines disappear> And the journaling and doing it in the morning, it was so good. And I know that you say in the beginning of the program that most people think that that's the most difficult thing to do. I thought it was difficult as well even though I started before, but then it was just some tiny notes. And after a while I did it in the evening you told me the importance of doing it in the morning. 
I started doing it in the morning after my yoga session, which is something that I wouldn't let go now. It helps me so much. But now I actually do it before my yoga. I do it right after waking up and I have -- I'm surprised that I do remember so many dreams. I think that it's almost impossible that I have dreamt as much as I do now earlier. But probably and I know now that if I do something else before my journaling, if I go around do things for 10 minutes, the dreams disappear. I don't remember them anymore. But right after you wake up they're still in your head and it's very interesting to -- most of them are strange. They don't make sense at all, but now I've been going back look through my journaling and I see that it's almost scary because I saw things in my dreams have actually developed to be true.

To be honest, it doesn't make sense when you write this but after a while and you see that, wow, I could see that coming. And many science I I've been thinking about "Am I doing this right?" the journaling, but you said that there is no right and wrong. Just try not to be judgmental and I've had that in my mind. And, well, many of my emotions, they have as soon as I get the courage to write them down, they are not scary anymore. As soon as I write them I can work through them, see if there is something I need to do, somebody I need to contact, next step with somebody in a relationship, or if it's somebody something I just can let go. And quite often it is it is something that I don't need to carry around. I can just let it go and it gives me a sense of being much stronger, wiser, calmer, and by that it's been easier to talk to friends and relatives about emotions. When we talk it's not just about daily things. We tend to talk about more emotional things and and sometimes I cry. Sometimes my friend cries. Sometimes we both cry, but it's just nice. It's not any hysterical crying, just transforming feelings that are released and it feels so good.

Wendy: Weah that's fantastic. And I should share that obviously, as you mentioned, the journaling is one part of the three daily basics or the foundation program and there are other layers of changes that we we make throughout the program, but the journaling was a challenge for you at the beginning and it is a challenge for everybody because normally when you've got endometriosis and your chronic pain and you're literally just getting through your life, just taking the time to journaling feels counterintuitive. But what the purpose is, and I'm glad to hear it's the same for you, is that you're getting in touch with your emotions. They're not big and they're not scary and you're learning to make the connection between what is happening in your emotions and how that manifests or how that resides in your body. And how would you say the program, the 12 week foundation program has helped you with regards to the relationship with your body?

Susanne: I don't know. That was a difficult question.

Wendy: Do you think through the journaling and through the education and the webinars that you maybe feel a bit more confident about your body? If there are any signs and symptoms in any aspect, you know have a better relationship with your body? Would you feel as well as your emotions?

Susanne: Well, as I -- bodies are very much in my interest. I trust bodies to heal themselves. I've always had that in mind but it's always more difficult when it happens to yourself and you don't see the whole picture. It's easier to just stay in one corner and it's very easy to become a victim. And it's also difficult when it's a close friend or relative that is sick or ill or hurt in any way. It's so much easier to see what other people could do to get better. But, well, as I said, I've always had that with me since I was a kid, that the body is amazing at healing itself and now it was so good to have you as a as a coach to help me with this wider perspective to have a look at my body.

Wendy: I think it was the multimodal approach to the program that was very important to me because I was unaware of how your emotions would affect your hormones and how symptoms and signs in your body could be different -- types of signs and symptoms that we're giving out different messages. Different emotions we're giving different messages in relation to the body, and I think that's what I hear from you and I hear a lot of the women in the program, is they develop this confidence, not only within their own instincts, their own emotions. They're more comfortable with their emotions, recognizing their emotions are messengers, they're telling them things, and then also been able to tune in to their body in a slightly different way than they've done before because the body before was invariably screaming out to them in pain when something was wrong but any pain and any symptoms are signs and messengers that there's something there that needs attention, and that's as you said earlier in the beginning, that's where you and I work together as detectives to try and fine-tune different things. But I think what's been lovely in your particular experience of the foundation program is, as you said, you really understood the body is an amazing thing, which is probably going to be hard for some women to hear if they're writhing around in pain and bad with endometriosis. They may not feel that loving towards their body right now, but when they learn what's causing the pain, because there's always a cause -- it's cause and effect -- if they identify what the causes are and remove that, then as you said the body is an amazing thing and will heal itself. But what I've heard from you is that you really appreciate the emotional component, which is not something that tends to get talked about, and dealing with that and then becoming more comfortable with your emotions and things

So if anyone was listening and considering joining the foundation program, what what would you be saying to them? What are the key aspects, apart from the journaling and the power shakes thing? What, for you, has been most significant or important aspect that you would take away from the foundation program?

Susanne: Well, I was thinking about joining for a long time. As new and had this belief about the body, and I knew that I had been healing myself before I thought I can do this on my own again. But after a while I thought, no, I don't have time to do this and when you're in pain you're tired and I thought I got some kind of dizziness, so it was difficult to do a lot of reading and studying on my own. And in the beginning it felt a little bit like I was giving up by joining, but as soon as I had joined the program I thought, "Oh shit, why didn't I do this earlier?" because it's such a relief to have somebody to talk to you with the experience of healing endometriosis yourself. And, well, you were talking about the emotions. I had done everything I thought possible with the products and physical stuff, but I didn't have a clue about the emotions. I did I did a lot of relaxation training and mental training because I know that mental training has helped me very much before, both in sports situations and in in daily life. But this is another way of looking at the emotions and, well, one of the first things, actually -- I think it happened the first week -- was that you advised me to include my family. And I thought that I don't want to drag them down into this boring and -- well, I can't really find the words for it, but this black hole that endometriosis is for me. I did everything to provide for them,  to have a good time. I just put myself in a sofa and said, "Did you go out and do this?" and my husband and my kids they went out to see friends and do fun things while I was in the sofa. And I didn't really inform the kids about what was going on and the first week I realized that I'm so stupid. Of course, of course they want to know what's wrong with me and as I'm as soon as I did that that was the first relief, actually. And I get emotional again. But I've got a six year old and a 11 year old and this six year old, he was listening but he thought, "Oh, can we do something else now?" when I was trying to tell them about the disease what I was doing and that I was getting help through this foundation program.

But anyway, after that little family session it was so much easier and that was the first stage of my emotional trip, actually, to let them in and to --
well, the idea I'm not carrying the burden all by yourself. It's not a sign of being strong, trying to fix everything yourself. I have learned that it's more courageous and you're stronger if you can ask for help and if you're willing to take help.

Wendy: Yeah, and I think he done so brilliantly in that regard because I know that that was very difficult for you at the beginning. And again, that's very common with women with endometriosis. I knew I was the same. It felt like a sign of weakness to ask for help. I felt like a burden. I felt like a drain. I didn't feel very good about myself either when I was in a chronic stages of pain and lying on in bed. But I think when you have the support to be able to say and explain it does take more courage to share with your family -- this is the situation, this is what I need from you, and would you help support me through this program -- because I want to get myself -- well, I want to live my life again and sometimes, you know, it's even just getting support and the language and how to approach it, ow to do with them because sometimes you're just getting through the day dealing with the pain without trying to think about how you might communicate that. But I agree, it is definitely takes more courage to share you know what's going on. And that's why in the first week of the program I encourage you all to sit down with your families and let them watch the video of the laparoscopy. Suddenly they've got a whole new perspective on the laparoscopy operation and what's going on in your inside. And that's, again, just part of building your confidence, building up your voice and helping you share your emotions. So if anyone was considering joining the program, what would you say to them? What would be your your parting words to people if they're maybe struggling on their own at the moment? They're maybe following my book and maybe taking them longer than they'd like. What would you say about the foundation program?

Susanne: Well, I would say don't hesitate. I really recommend. It's the best support to really get going because there are always things in your life that turns up. And then it's so easy to get your actions for endometriosis on hold and that's dangerous to do that. But the program is the best way to really keep fighting and the twelve weeks, they passed quite fast, and it's difficult to really see the difference all the time. And although I just did the basic things in the
program for five weeks and then I had a lot to catch up, it was so interesting now in the end to look back in the journaling, see what I've done, how I felt and to reflect on how I have changed. And it's not only the pain score in the endometriosis that has decreased. There are so many more things that has happened and the things that I wrote at the beginning of the program, what I would do when I felt pain free, I've already started to do. I achieved them. Yeah, and by then I felt like a dream, a dream that might be impossible even though I did have this feeling about natural healing, that it would work. But it was still a dream that I didn't know if it would come true ever and now they have come true, many parts of it. And it's it feels like I'm the boss of my life now. And I think that one reason that my endometriosis flared up again was that I had lost contact with myself, both by caring more for the kids than for myself, and I had a job that was quite demanding, a lot of traveling, and I had a bad conscious of leaving the kids so much. So when I was home I just spent time with them and there was never time for me, for myself, and in this program you really need to look after yourself. What do I need? And get in touch with yourself.

Now it feels so -- I can't find the word for it, but it's so natural. It's not strange at all. It's just as it's supposed to be and instead of just running around in circles doing what other people want me to do, now I'm the boss in my life. And I didn't think that would be an outcome or this program. I was just looking forward to a pain-free life. Now it feels like it that is a small thing. That is the greatest thing when you are in pain but now I even get more so that's something to look forward to if you're planning to join the program.

Wendy: Fantastic. And I think that's it. I remember feeling had this great desire to get well when I was bedridden but didn't know how to do it so that's what I put everything that I learned into my book., by putting into the program. And people just have to plug in to the various steps that I've taken and learn from what I learned and not have to just struggle to find out these things themselves. And as you said, there's normally a number of different elements that we need to look at any one given time and it's hard to do that when you're on your own. And then obviously we do have the group Q&As every two weeks, as well. How do you find that coming together with other women that are going through the program?

Susanne: That it's very good. You get a perspective and they take up things that I haven't thought about that turns out to be important for me as well. And it's very important not to feel alone and even though I've just listened to them during these group calls it feels like we're a team. We're fighting together and it's so great to hear that they're getting better as well.

Wendy: I feel that that's really important. Women with endometriosis -- and I knew I felt exactly the same. I felt so alone, terribly alone, and I made a vow, I made it my mission that once I got well that I would write what worked for me and make sure that there was enough support in place for women so that they felt part of a group and a community that was not just talking about the pain or the symptoms or surgery but actually talking about getting well and healthy and and getting their life and their body back. Because they can be so designing when you got a flare-up or when you know you're bedridden again and you don't know why. But as you say, when you're going to the program yourself -- that's why it's 12 weeks because it does take time to start to see the changes with planting seeds along the way whilst removing and swapping out any offending products or people or foods or anything, depending on what's what's the issue for you -- but having a support and hearing other people, again, it just makes you feel you're part of something and not alone enough. That's a big thing> But thank you so much for taking the time out to chat me today. I would say if anyone is interested in getting more information on the foundation program, it is over a 12-week. It's an online membership program with 12 one-on-one appointments with me, group calls, handouts, downloads, Facebook group.
You get all the support that you need.
Please go to HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com or go on to HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and you can click on details there on how to join up.
Equally, if anybody would like to get a free paperback copy of my book which lays out my story and a step-by-step guide of what worked for me then go on to Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyBook.com and you can order your FREE copy there (I just ask you to pay the shipping and handling).

Wendy: Susanne, thank you so much for taking the time out. I know there will be so many women to get so much encouragement and hope and from hearing your story. And full credit to you. You've had a lot of challenges thrown your way throughout the program, but you stuck with it, you kept going, you didn't give up and I'm so pleased that you've seen the benefits on the program that you have.

Susanne: Thanks, and I want to encourage those with the Endometriosis that I'd never give up because it is true the body is going to heal itself if you give it the opportunity and it's so great to get the life back again. So go for it!

Wendy: Well, thank you so very much, Susanne for sharing. Take care. We'll speak soon.

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#163 Breaching Castle Walls

On this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the emotional and environmental factors affecting women with endometriosis, emphasisin...