"Hello I hope u are well! I am reading your book and was wondering if after finding out you had 8 chocolate cysts etc if u had any surgery to remove them or more scans to show if your cysts have decreased in size following the changes you have made?
I'm supposed to be having my 2nd surgery in Sept to remove my 2nd chocolate cyst and they have told me from an MRI that I will at some point need a bowel resection due to nodules protruding into my bowel (I won't be doing this until I have any problems in that area) I'm looking at making the changes you suggest but this time round I'm lucky in that I am relatively pain free (unlike last time) so I don't know how I will know if it's working for me.
I'm confused as until I started reading ur book I was happy to have surgery in Sept and then start IVF towards the end of the year. Now I don't know, in my head I need to remove as much endo to give me a better chance of success with IVF and my cyst can't get much bigger before it has to be removed to have IVF. I have 1 IVF miracle which was after my last surgery nearly 5 yrs ago after 4 yrs TTC) but would love to reduce my cyst (if it's even possible) and not have surgery! Sorry for the long message! Many thanks"
C.J. from USA
"Thank you for your message although I am so sorry to read what you are having to deal with right now in your body.
I am pleased that my book (Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery) has made you question whether you wish to proceed with another surgical procedure.
We are all conditioned to go down the Medical Machine route of painkillers, drugs and surgery; based on this silent understanding and trust, that the treatment is going to help and remove the Endometriosis from our body.
As I you have mentioned you have already tried the surgical route but sadly the symptoms including a 2nd cyst have returned.
It took me to have 6 surgeries before I realised that surgery does nothing more than merely 'try' to manage the symptoms of Endometriosis.
But surgery does nothing to address what the underlying causes of Endometriosis are.
It is common place to hear of women having surgery after surgery (I know of one lady who has had 26 operations before she came to work with me) and only having a few weeks before the symptoms return; and in many cases the symptoms worsening.
That is what happened with me. I had my 6th operation, which was an abdominal ablation and cystectomy, and afterwards I developed another condition called Adenomyosis which caused further complications and distress.
I admit that at the time I felt utterly distraught especially as no other options were being offered to me.
At that stage I did not know a 'natural' routed existed or was even an option.
As a result of that last 6th surgery I subsequently ended up bedridden and disabled by the chronic pain for almost 2 years.
It was at this dismal point that I was forced to look at what the other options were and realised that if the body is 'aways wanting to heal itself' then what was stopping it.
That was my breakthrough moment.
That was when I re-educated myself and learnt what was causing the inflammation and excess estrogen in the body - as that was what was causing the Endometriosis pain and symptoms.
I can understand your thinking that you need to 'remove the Endo and cysts' but as you have seen they come back with surgery. And you may have surgical life altering side affects, complications and develop other issues.
This is where becoming a detective and addressing and swapping out the underlying causes of Endometriosis saves you years of endless pain and suffering.
Every time the surgeon cuts your abdomen open and attempts to 'remove' Endometriosis he/she actually causes more inflammation and adhesions by the mere act of surgery alone.
What your doctor does not tell you is surgery is a traumatic act on your body - a body that is already showing signs of inflammation, distress and pain.
I can understand why in your head the idea of surgery 'appears' to be a quick and easy route. However, I can also hear your instincts as you are realising that surgery may be too damaging on your body.
I am pleased to share that I have had 2 women on my Heal Endometriosis Naturally 12 Week Online Foundation Program who have fallen pregnant after being told that they would never have children and one woman would had previously suffered multiple miscarriages then went on to complete her term and gave birth to beautiful twin girls! So that has been a joy to be part of sharing my success and being a mentor coach to them to get their bodies healthy, pain free and ready for pregnancy. <<<You can listen to Stacey's video here >>>
If you remember, any signs or symptoms in your body, are 'clues' to what needs an explorative mind to unravel the mystery of what is causing them.
I am pleased to report, that as someone who used to suffer from endless chocolate (blood filled) cysts for over 33 years, I now have none.
Since adopting and committing myself to my protocols and principles (laid out in my book), I have not suffered any of the pain or symptoms in over 3 years.
Also I have no cramps, no ovulation pain, no period pain, no breast tenderness, no heavy bleeding (just a 2 day period - which used to be unheard of for me), no clots, no bladder pressure, no bloating, no constipation or dragging sensations etc.
As I mention in my book, this is not a 'quick fix', and does require life style changes to be adapted (which are much more that just diet), but it is so worth it to have a pain-FREE and symptom-FREE body.
I do offer a FREE no obligation 15 minute Skype call if you would like to talk more about how you take back control of your body and Heal Endometriosis Naturally!
Take care - and never, ever, ever give up!"
Best wishes
Wendy K Laidlaw, Founder,